
A 500-day Trekking!


The protagonists of this story are a woman and her two Mongolian horses (Custode and Чигээрээ ) Paola Giacomini, recently returned to Trento after a long horse trekking that took her from the Mongolian steppes to Poland. Check out all our trekking, trips, holidays, horseback riding tours in Mongolia now. Five hundred days on the saddle, about 800 km traveled visiting towns and districts and with the basic idea of bringing a message of peace between peoples. Why those places? to retrace the story of the Tatar invasion in Poland in which it is said that an arrow shot by a Mongolian knight pierced the man who was on guard at the top of the Krakow bell tower, thus delaying the reaction of the soldiers to the invasion. And she had a Mongolian arrow delivered by the Mayor of Kharakhorin and she took it with her symbolically on this endless journey on horseback “peacemaker” to symbolically deliver it to the Cathedral of St. Mary in Krakow.

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