
Argentina – Falabella: he is the smallest horse in the world!

He is little more than a medium-sized dog but has a great personality: he is Falabella , the smallest horse in the world! He measures only 75 centimeters at the withers and is a real miniature horse, but he is not a pony, his perfect proportions and conformation are very different from ponies and he has all the characteristics typical of a horse of normal stature: they are only quite small. but in relation to his size. For more than 150 years the Falabella Horse Breed has been bred in the Recreo de Roca Ranch in Argentina , owned by the Falabella family, from which the breed takes its name. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking in Argentina. The history of the Falabella Horse is therefore quite recent and begins in 1845 when Patrick Newell, an Irish emigrant to Argentina, saw horses just over a meter tall together with other horses of normal stature, all owned by some tribes of Indians, who drank along a river. Newell then was intrigued and went to talk to the Chieftain to buy some of these small horses and they explained to him that those horses were suffering from a disease that they called ” the dwarf’s disease ” and that therefore he could take them without any problem. Newell did not beg, he took some specimens and began to work on the breed and already from 1853 he could be proud of  creating a new breed with very well defined characters.

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