
China – We present the equestrian tradition of the Tagong Festival

The highly anticipated Tagong Horse Festival takes place every August . It is precisely organized in the modern Sichuan region , not far from the metropolis of Chengdu, where there is still an authentic and rich in traditions reality. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. Among the Tibetan plateaus the local population gets dressed up and gets ready to attend the races every year; parades of people in costume, singing and dancing.

The ground trembles under the small hooves of Tibetan horses , horses and riders are dressed up and the thrilled audience shouts excitedly observing the acrobatics of the riders. The atmosphere is full of adrenaline, it is in fact a sort of Superbowl in a nomadic version; for those who love to know the equestrian traditions in the world, they must definitely see it once in a lifetime.

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