
Galileo is an English racing thoroughbred born in Ireland in 1998 from Sadler’s Well (direct descendant of Nearco) and Urban Sea, which won nothing less than the Arc de Triomphe in 1993. Eight races, six victories including the invaluable Irish Derby and the King George: it is one of the strongest horses of these years. As a consequence, Galileo is withdrawn from competitions and he begins his career as a stallion in Ireland, Coolmore. Galileo quickly justified the expectations, as he soon confirms himself as an exceptional stallion, to the point of becoming the most expensive stallion in the world: in fact, the price of one of his studs increased from € 60,000 in 2003 to € 150,000 in 2007.

He has a lot of very successful foals, one of which, Yearling, was paid 6.2 million euros in 2013: also Frankel, among his progeny, second only to Ribot for winning races.

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