A day that can be defined as the quintessence of elegance…. in the wonderful setting of the Château de Chantilly Park , north of Paris , the most important three-year-old gallop race for thoroughbred females takes place every year with over 1 million Euros in prize money. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking in France. This year it will be celebrated on June 18 and it is hoped that the weather will also be mild to be able to fully enjoy, as per tradition, the beautiful picnics on the grass along the home straight, with a wicker basket and blanket. The racecourse will be packed with people: from simple neophytes to sheiks who own priceless horses… but everybody there for the same reason… to feel the adrenaline of when the earth begins to shake as the horses approach and gallop.
Nine exhilarating races, joys or disappointments of jockeys, coaches and owners but always with the same passion: racing. A truly unique ambience, multicolored hats will compete for the coveted prize for elegance: glitter, sequins, feathers and lots of extravagance. An outdoor concert to unleash the most daring people, and then champagne bars, restaurants and lots and lots of fun. So action, suspense and elegance are the recipe for this event, official sponsor none other than Longines… precision and class… like the thoroughbreds.
Tutti ormai conosciamo le capacità terapeutiche della pet terapy…ma in questa storia il protagonista non è un cane, né un gatto….bensì un cavallo!! Hassen Bouchakour e Peyo si erano incontrati anni prima. Il primo era un artista che si esibiva come ballerino, ginnasta e falconiere. Un giorno ha deciso di arricchire i suoi spettacoli introducendo […]