
Go Horse – The best quotes about horses

Horse. The noblest conquest of man. Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon , General History of Animals, 1749 The most beautiful equestrian monument would be a horse that had knocked the man out of the saddle. Elias Canetti, The province of man, 1973 Where can man in the whole world / find nobility without pride, / friendship without envy, / beauty without vanity? / Here! / Where grace is woven of muscles, / and strength is forced by kindness, / He serves without servility, / fights without enmity, / there is nothing in the world more powerful, / nothing less violent, / nothing more patient. / Our past was born on his back, / our whole history is his work, / We are his heirs, / He is our heritage. Ronald Duncan , The Horse, 1954 If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question or asked it in a wrong way. Pat Parelli When we ride a horse, we borrow freedom. (Helen Thomson) That horse was not created to trample the earth, it had instinct in the air, and every time it took off it tried to leave me there. (Anonymous) Ask me to show you poetry in motion, and I’ll show you a horse. (Ben Jonson) In the saddle of a horse, man can succeed in appeasing his momentum towards infinity. To feel, even if only for a moment, closer to heaven. (Anonymous) There is not a wasted moment in life if it is spent in the saddle. (Winston Churchill) Horses – if God made something more beautiful, he kept it to himself. (Anonymous) Click here if you want to see all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking in Italy.  

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