
Go Horse – The eye of the horse: 5 curiosities

You surely all know that the view of the horse is 300 ° and there is a blind spot both in front and behind the horse. But do you also know these other curiosities ? 1) Among the possible colors of the eyes of horses, in addition to the typical brown and blue (called “gazzuolo”), there are also green and purple, although they are very rare. See all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. 2) The eyes of the horses have a different focus than ours. The upper part of the eye has a fixed focus for long distances; it progressively shortens until it reaches the lower part which has a very close focus. This allows the horse to graze and see what it eats and the horizon in focus at the same time, in order to notice any predators. So, to focus accurately, they have to move their head up or down.

3) The eyes transmit processed stimuli to the brain, but the left and right sides do it slightly in a different way. So the horse can be confused by looking at something with one eye, but if it looks at it with the other eye it is clear to him. 4) Horses see about 50% better than us in the dark, and it seems that they are able to perceive green and blue, while other colors should be grayscale. 5) Above the eye, at the height of the temple, there is a slight vacuum which is able to host the soft substance which is behind the eye of the horse eye when it is pressed. So, if the horse takes a hit on its eye, it falls back and is not damaged.

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