The clipping of a horse is not a gesture to be underestimated: the choice of the cut must meet the various criteria in order not to bother it or, even worse, create health problems. First of all we need to understand if the horse needs it; it becomes necessary only for those who live in stalls and who have regular physical activity. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. Clipping prevents the horse from sweating too much , saving extra fatigue and significant loss of electrolytes. In addition, the shorter or longer time which is needed to dry it can cause a “cold shot” and make recovery more difficult. Here are the classic clippings :
Complete : it involves the cutting of all the hair, including the limbs and the head, except for the junction of the tail and a strip at the withers. Hunter : cutting the hair on the horse’s trunk except for the shape of the saddle pad and limbs. Half blanket : the hair is cut in the “shape” of a blanket, that is, it is sheared from the neck to the withers, from the shoulders and belly up to the middle of the side, leaving the hair on the back, kidneys, rump and limbs. Blanket: Only the hair from the lower part of the neckline is removed up to the tip of the shoulder and the belly up to about halfway up the side. Aspiring “artists” have been seen performing in all equestrian centers for some years, although we can appreciate their originality, let’s not forget that the well-being of the horse must prevail.
Il Museo delle Selle In provincia di Firenze, e più precisamente in località Marradi, nasce l’idea di un “museo delle selle”. L’autore di questa bella iniziativa è Vincenzo Moffa che nel corso della sua vita, ha conservato con perizia qualsiasi oggetto legato al mondo del cavallo, creando una curiosa collezione, oggi presente nel museo permanente […]