Animals can be very useful care “tools” for children with health problems. In particular, a great help comes from pet therapy: from hippotherapy and oncotherapy, respectively the therapy that uses horses and the therapy that uses donkeys . Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. They facilitate rehabilitation Animals are an excellent stimulus for physical exercise and movement, as well as a suitable means for rehabilitation. Especially the horse helps children with disabilities. Its physical conformation and its gait, with the typically undulatory motion, in fact, facilitate the recovery of the mobility of the joints. They promote self-esteem Through pet therapy with horses, moreover, we work on the integration of the child, on his progressive empowerment and on the respect for the rules. In this way we try to stimulate the achievement of good self-esteem and to facilitate daily life.
They improve interpersonal skills Thanks to their communication skills, the difficulties of relationship, attention, aggression and excitability of children can be improved. Alongside traditional treatments The therapeutic use of horses and donkeys does not represent an alternative to traditional treatments, which remain essential, but can nevertheless provide very useful support. This form of treatment has been successfully used for some time in children with autism, disability, depression, eating disorders, psychological and affective problems.
Le aree limitrofe a Chernobyl, dove l’uomo è assente da più di trent’anni, diventano sempre più un piccolo concentrato di biodiversità. Nel corso degli ultimi anni, all’interno della Zona di Alienazione – lo spazio dove la presenza umana è vietata data la contaminazione da radiazioni – siano tornate in pianta stabile varie specie animali, alcune […]