
Spain – The MINORCHINO horse: origins and characteristics

Characteristics … The Minorchino horse is a noble horse, with “caliente” blood, originally from the Spanish island of Menorca. Characterized by the black coat, it is a rustic, resistant and energetic animal, it does not need any particular care and attention, it has no weakness and it is particularly sensitive and faithful to its rider ; with a great aptitude for the so-called “monorchina, doma vaquera, bullfights and attacks. It is a harmonious animal, with a calm , elegant and obedient temperament. Its head is of medium size, lean and gritty, but harmonious with small ears set centrally on the nape, round eyes and with well marked eye sockets, a characteristic that gives expression. The neck is sturdy and slightly arched, well muscled and powerful, with a nice insertion with the head and trunk. It has strong and abundant hair. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking in Spain. Its body is lean and slender , without losing its harmony. The lumbar back line is straight and ascending over the loins. Its limbs are very fine but with strong and resistant joints and the hoof is healthy and hard.

A little bit of history…. The Menorquina or “Pura Raza Menorquina” (PMR) breed is a relatively young breed because it was just officially recognized as a breed in 1987 . After completing a field study by one of Spain’s most prestigious zoologists, Dr. Antonio Sánchez Belda, it was said that the “horse of Menorca” met all the requirements to be included, registered and recognized as its own breed. Despite the recognition that took place only in 1987, the Minorquino horse already existed many centuries ago in Menorca. This was confirmed by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder , in his writings on Nature and History of the year 77 AD, where we read that Menorca has distinguished itself for having a good reproduction of livestock. The main role of the Menorquino horse was of a religious and chivalrous nature , handed down from generation to generation. Strong point…. They are the only ones able to rear up and walk while remaining balanced on the two hind legs. To allow the horse the «levade» , the surge of balance and agility, is its morphological structure, with that imposing neck which is the point of balance.

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