
Switzerland – Come to Saint Moritz to experience the thrill of skijöring

Curiosity: what is skijöring? Skijöring or skikjöring is a Norwegian word that means “driving on skis”. It is a winter sport in which a person on skis is pulled by a horse, a dog (or dogs) or a motor vehicle. Where is it possible to see this specialty? Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. In Saint Moritz, in the winter season, it is possible to see it with the horses during the racing meetings on the frozen lake. How has it begun? Skijöring, with skis behind horses, was a demonstration sport at the Sankt Moritz Olympics in 1928. Equestrian skijöring is made up of a team of only one horse, usually led by a rider, pulling the person on skis who does not carry poles and simply hangs on a tow rope in a manner analogous to water skiing. In France, there are races involving a horse without a rider, which is led by the skier. Anyway, horses must be trained to accept the presence of ropes and a skier behind them and to remain calm in race conditions. Skijöring behind a horse is said to have originated as a method of winter travel, but today it is primarily a competitive sport. Don’t miss it on February 25th 2018 in Saint Moritz !!!

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