
Switzerland – The Giannelli collection: the bond between man and horse in 4,000 years of history

In Rancate, near Mendrisio, in the Canton of Ticino, the Züst Art Gallery houses the rich Giannelli collection : one of the richest collections about the horse in the world. Through a series of bits, spurs, stirrups and harnesses, a journey takes place that traces 4,000 years of history , during which the horse has always accompanied the development of various human civilizations, reflecting their spirit: from the bronzes of Luristan to the grace of Etruscan bites, from the equipment of the Romans up to the Middle Ages, from the technical richness expressed in the Renaissance, to finally reach the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Prints, paintings and books complete a path that testifies how men and horses have worked, played and waged war side by side for long centuries. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. The exhibition is open from May 6 to August 19 2018 Opening hours: May-June 9-12 / 14-17; July-August 14-18; closed on weekdays (monday).

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