
The Selle Museum

The Selle Museum

In the province of Florence, and more precisely in the locality of Marradi, the idea of a “saddle museum” was born. The author of this beautiful initiative is Vincenzo Moffa who in the course of his life has expertly preserved any object related to the world of the horse, creating a curious collection, now present in the permanent museum of the Casetta di Marradi farmhouse, on the Tuscan hills. -emiliane. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking in Italy. Since 2004, the collection has been hosted during various events related to the world of the horse, giving everyone the opportunity to admire the most significant object capable of telling the “marriage” between man and horse: the saddle. And this is how we discover that each saddle in the collection is different from the other, as different are the purposes that led to dedetermined models and materials. We range through time and space between bardelle and scafarde from buttero, vaquera saddle, Egyptian, Moldavian, gaucho saddle, dromedary saddle, renaissance model, high school, gallop, rider’s saddles and even a rare ceramic saddle! This extraordinary collection includes over 80 pieces …

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