
United Arab Emirates – Dubai world cup: the 12 million dollar prestigious race !!!!!

The 24th edition of the Dubai World Cup on 1800 meters took place on Saturday 30 March at the Meydan racecourse, in Dubai. Thunder Snow won, for the second year in a row, ridden by the Belgian jockey Christophe Soumillon , who beat North America in a duel, arms and whip, which lasted the last 300 meters. Discover now all our trips, tours, holidays and horse trekking. A challenge between two very strong horses and two exceptional jockeys, which thrilled the audience and which ended in favor of the hosts, whose pupil reached the finish line by just one muzzle.

Never before in history a horse has managed to win twice the richest race in the world (12 million dollars), which boasts this title once again. The draw had penalized Helmet’s son, making sure that his coach, Saed Bin Suroor, could only choose the second-to-last number of the external cage. This great event, headed by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum was also an opportunity to show off dream hats and dresses… let’s see some photos of this incredible day!

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