
The nature of the horse is made to self-regulate according to the seasons, and this is how you will see the winter coat appear… ..a real coat, much denser and definitely more waterproof than the summer one. The hair isolates the horse from the wind, cold, water and snow, guaranteeing to the horse a constant maintenance thanks to a reduced dispersion of body temperature. It is clear and evident that for practicality the sport horse is shorn, so the use of the horse blanket, and above all the choice of the right one, becomes fundamental; a criterion for deciding if and what protection to give our horses can be this:

  • More than 15 °: for the natural horse, nothing or a waterproof cover if it rains or it is windy for the shorn horse
  • Between 10 and 15 °: waterproof cover if it rains or it is windy for the natural horse, light blanket (100 gr.) for the shorn horse
  • Between 4 and 10 °: Nothing or a light blanket for the natural horse, medium / light blanket (150/250 gr.) for the shorn horse
  • Between 0 and 4 °: Nothing or a medium / light blanket (150/250 gr.) For the natural horse, medium / heavy blanket (200/300 gr.) for the shorn horse
  • Between – 10 and 0 °: Nothing or a medium / light blanket (150/300 gr.) for the natural horse, medium (200-300 gr.) or heavy (300/400 gr.) duvet for the shorn horse .
  • Below -10 °: medium heavy blanket (300/400 gr.) for the natural horse, heavy (300/500 gr.) for the shorn horse.

Let’s not forget that, although the blanket keeps the horses clean, a daily bruschinata is always a good practice.

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